Another crazy busy week here.. What can I expect with 4 kiddos at home and two at home jobs? I love it all and don't necessarily want any of it to slow down, but would love to "eek" out some extra hours in a day. However I do have to say that I did better in feeding my family this week..I cooked dinner 6 out of 7 days...a new record for me. :)
April is coming up quickly and I'm going to be doing a lot with with Autism. April is Autism Awareness month and I since I have two twin nephews with Autism I have a bit of an interest in the subject. I'm going to be doing several givaways in April that deal with Autism...either an item to promote autism or proceeds going to Autism...maybe both! My sister and I will also be doing a "Walk Now" walk for autism so if you are interested in donating to our team please click
here. So just as a little is a bag that I created last year for Autism awareness and I'll be working on more for this year. If you have any ideas of what you would like to see or hear more about with Autism please let me know and I'll do what I can to share the little bit of knowledge that I have about Autism.